karla shacklock company ltd
Award-winning choreography and performance
Performer, Choreographer, Movement Director, Lecturer, Facilitator.
Seeking the extraordinary in all things ordinary and delivering original
performance across the UK and beyond...
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Movement Direction

Over the past seven years I've predominantly worked as a Movement Director and Choreographer for other companies and productions - this has allowed me to be on tour less and spend time with my young family. Check out the Movement Direction page to see past projects.

This year I'm working as Movement Director and Ensemble Director for Pinocchio, directed by Emma Williams, which will have a four week run at Taunton Brewhouse in December.
Click here to view

I'm also back working on Midnight Mole, now in it's third year, which will run at Theatre Royal Bath, Courtyard Theatre Hereford and Cast Theatre in Doncaster - there's a lovely little review in The Guardian.
Click here to view
This year I'm not only working as Movement Director for the show, but will be performing in it too!

Going Solo Together 2024

I'm currently part of this incredible project where a group of a dozen artists come together over six residencies to explore their own practice, but in a shared creative space. The wonderful Cai Tomos holds the room for us as we take a year to travel along together in making our own solo. There will be a sharing in November - more details to follow.

Freelance Dance Movement

Over the past two years I have been part of the steering group for the Freelance Dance Movement, which officially launched at Chisenhale Dance Space and Wainsgate Dances earlier this year. We are a community aiming to craft practical solutions for the issues that freelance dance workers face. We invite you to join this Movement to advocate, campaign, and work to safeguard the dignity and wellbeing of freelance dance artists.
Click here for more information.

As part of my work with the Freelance Dance Movement I created a short video capturing a typical day for a freelance dancer - it's an honest, raw and sadly common account of some of the injustices, madness and lack of voice/visibility encountered by so many of us. Make yourself a cup of tea and find 8 mins to watch it, then spend a minute sharing it please, and then another few minutes joining the movement.

INTERVAL: I've recently joined this beautiful artist led collective. We are a group of artists whose work spans live art, contemporary theatre, dance, visual art, cabaret, writing, community work, audio and more. We support each other, share, critique and push new ideas and research. We are interested in what a collective can be and in finding new ways in which to support each other’s development. We offer an encouraging and focused space to experiment and go forward with the supportive clout of a collective behind you. We share knowledge and resources including an office and rehearsal space in Bristol. Click here for more information.

LECTURING/WORKSHOPS: I've been doing a spot of guest lecturing and Movement Direction again this year at Bath Spa University. My regular annual lecturing gigs also normally include Laban, Bristol University and Central School of Speech and Drama, but I've delivered workshops, lectures and masterclasses at conferences and academic institutions across Europe - so get in touch if you'd like to book me in.

PERFORMANCE: After taking a few years off to birth three gorgeous kids, I am now finally getting back into performing! I have been involved in a couple of short projects with the kids in tow, such as an R&D for Hail Cremation, directed by Adele Thomas, with the National Theatre of Wales and a Zoom performance of 'Meditations on Motherhood' with Hands Full Ensemble. Click here for 'Mothers Who Make'. I am now much more available to immerse in performance once again. I've got a few things in the pipeline for 2024/2025, including performing in Midnight Mole in December, but am always happy to be contacted about new projects and collaborations.

Updated: 30-05-2024

karla shacklock company ltd